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Thursday, 24 April 2014


Poliomyelitis often called polio or infantile paralysis, is an acute, viral, infectious disease spread from person to person, primarily via the fecal-oral route. The term derives from the Ancient Greek poliós (πολιός), meaning "grey", myelós, referring to the grey matter of the spinal cord, and the suffix -itis, which denotes inflammation. i.e., inflammation of the spinal cord’s grey matter, although a severe infection can extend into the brain stem and even higher structures, resulting in polioencephalitis, producing apnea that requires mechanical assistance such as an iron lung....(You can read more on Polio here)

    Miss Margaret Alohan is the face of Spotlight Nigeria is working on a project called SAVE A CHILD. As a beauty Queen she is taking a major step to eradicate Polio and malaria out of Africa, beginning with Nigeria.  She has been modelling since age 8 where mounting stage in her primary school as Queen of Charity House started. Miss Margaret has won so many beauty pageantry awards. In the year 2002 she won Miss Spelling Bee Niger State,  2013 was no exceptional after  she won the Queen of Edo state and Miss Elegant Nigeria and currently she is the Face of Spotlight Nigeria.
   She is an Accounting student in the University of Abuja also the Vice President of Edo State Student Association (EDOSSA) Uniabuja chapter.
Queen of Edo State 2013
Alohan Margaret
  During an online conservation with her she said “I am going to do this by educating Nigerians on how to eradicate polio and malaria especially in the rural areas in Nigeria and that is why my project is SAVE A CHILD.” The objectives of this project are to create a chance to shine a spotlight on the nation’s effect to control Polio and Malaria. The Pulse Polio Initiatives (PPI) aims at covering every individual in the country. It’s aspires to reach even children in remote communities through an improved social mobilization plan. Not a single child should miss the immunization leaving no chance of polio occurrence. Cases of Acute Flaccid Paralysis (AFP) to be reported in time and stool specimens of them to be collected within 14 days. Outbreak Response Immunization (ORI) to be conducted as early as possible. Maintaining high level of surveillance performance of good mop-up operations where polio has disappeared.
 Let us all join hands to eradicate Polio and malaria out of Africa. Nigeria is one of four countries in the world- along with Pakistan, India and Afghanistan where polio is still a major health risk. It is possible when we all join hands together to eradicate polio and malaria out completely. Anytime the name Polio or Malaria is mentioned the first picture or colour that comes into a person’s mind is a black skinned person coming from Africa, its hard time we the people of Africa remove that stigmatisation we have been wearing for long...Lets support the beauty Queen Face of Spotlight Nigeria in attaining her visions and objectives...Join the group
SAVE A CHILD CAMPAIGN on facebook for more detailed information contact

The Manager
Influence Efosa Amen

Miss Elegant Nigeria 2013 n other Queens

Miss Alohan Margaret on facebook or call # +2348135255981

QUOTES: I started giving knowing that the things people value in life,the Gucci shoes,Ferrari cars and Luis vuiton bags...if you set fire on them they will burn to ashes. But influencing a life is an enduring venture." (Alohan Margaret)

Story By : Martinz Mylo.

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